Celebrating Two Years at Jazz88 March 30 by Reuniting a Jug Band

Believe it or not it’s been two years since I landed at Jazz88 after almost a decade at The Current (longer if you count weekly trivia. . .and I sort of do).

There I am on my first day, happy. Happy cause I was going to get to play world class music, DJ everyday and try my hand at being a Music Director. I wanted all those challenges and I’ve loved experiencing them. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve interviewed a jamillion people. I’ve “passed it to Bob Jurek in Roseville for traffic” 2800 times give or take 500. I’m so grateful not only to the team at Jazz88 and the listeners at Jazz88 but also to the folks who started checking out jazz radio for the first time because they were curious enough to follow me here. That’s really heartwarming. Also, for years I’ve been somewhat known to the jazz players in town but not intimately, I was a bass player who had a fascination with jazz, I was at a station that from time to time covered some jazz, I was setting up a trivia night to play after their trio gig. . .it was all tangential. But it’s deeper now and I think all the players in town but especially Chris Bates, Jeff Bailey, Omar Abdulkarim, JT Bates, LA Buckner, Zacc Harris, Jennifer Grimm, Tony Baluff and Michael Cain. . .artists who have been willing to teach me and to frequently come by the station and talk up one of their favorite artists and share their experience and perspective. On top of that I’ve worked with a staff that has dealt with me as I learn how to be a Music Director, how to really handle a daily shift, how to hit the posts and how to learn a bunch of stuff on the job. The team at Jazz88 past and present has been amazingly supportive of me and I’m very grateful for that. . .would'n’t have made it without that support. How lucky am I? Two Years! I am going to celebrate every year cause this job is a really special one for me.

And celebrate I am! I’m throwing a little party at the White Squirrel in Saint Paul on Saturday March 30. Customarily, my band Big Trouble would be playing our monthly gig at this time, but we asked the Como Ave Jug Band to reunite for the gig since Big Trouble is short a couple members that evening. SO I AM ASKING YOU: will you come to the White Squirrel on Saturday March 30 from 6-10pm and help me celebrate my two year anniversary while enjoying the carnal pleasure that is a jug band in close quarters? I hope the answer is an emphatic yes.

If you have questions about this party you can email me at sean@triviamafia.com. But, it’s simple. Just come. It’s all ages and kid friendly until 8:30pm so bring your kiddos if that’s a fit for you! And they have great N/A and THC beverages if alcohol is not your thing!

Here’s a picture of the Como Ave Jug Band. I own a trivia company with the best looking guy in the band.


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