Everyone is a Story Teller

Here’s a simple truth about the world right now. . .no matter what you do for a passion or a job you are allowed to, on any podcast you are legally permitted to appear on, say “but really, I’m a storyteller”. Here’s a couple hypotheticals:

I design fancy mayonnaises

PODCAST ANSWER: “For me sure, I have to know my flavors, egg ratios, focus on emulsification. But at the end of the day, the reason I put that apron on, it’s cause I tell stories. (long stupid pause, host of the podcast goes “ahhh” about three inches off the mic) I’m a storyteller, cause without the story, what is it? It’s just a condiment. But when you tell the story, you can see the counter where we first discovered the chili powder that gives it the kick, you see the farm where our eggs come from. We tell stories with mayonnaise.”

I assemble high-end computer chips

PODCAST ANSWER: “Right, this microphone, your keyboard, the phone your daughter always has in front of your face. These are storytelling machines. You don’t buy it for the camera right? You buy it for the story the camera tells. And we tell that story with a computer chip. I want to pack every microfiber of that absurdly small surface with a place to tell stories. In a way, I tell those stories, I tell the story that you can tell a story from your pocket, that first story, copyright yours fucking truly, is my story about how this little microchip tells a story.

I play competitive table tennis

PODCAST ANSWER: “You can see the game surface laid out in front of you. You learn the rules pretty quickly. But what has kept me working the pong til late into the next day for the last two thirds of my life. . .that. . .it’s not the Franklin ball spinning in the air. . .it’s the story I’m telling. When I serve I’m saying “once upon a time, 19 to 13, one point away from game point, I’m gonna serve this ball right pass your stupid little paddle, happily ever after you poor sap.”


3:33⅓ to Boldly Go-Go Where No Jazz DJ has ever Gone-Gone Before


3:33⅓ with Betty Carter