Farewell YMCA Paul

I just learned that Paul Engebretson died. Travel easy Paul. Know that you did amazing things in your life. You connected with people. You spread your enthusiasm about music. You fostered community. You helped. You shined.

Everyone called him Front Row Paul and that guy really was out at shows all the time. I don’t know when I saw Front Row Paul for the first time but I feel like it was at least ten years ago. I’ve been playing shows forever, he’s been going to shows forever. But a couple years ago we started to see each other at the YMCA in Saint Paul. He and his wife went a shit ton. So do I. Paul was lifting weights, making friends. He had the earbuds in, often told me he was listening to the Shackletons. He loved music and he had a powerful enthusiasm for Minnesota music. It was always so good to run into Paul at the Y. We also lived really close to each other. We did the wave around the neighborhood thing.

I wasn’t close with Paul but he exuded a pureness and clarity in life that made even a small friendship feel bigger. He talked about music like his life depended on it and to look at his schedule I imagine that was true. He also didn’t go to the shows to act cool and hang in the back. It’s important to underline something about the nickname Front Row Paul; the man was in the front. Actually watching the show. Letting music do what it’s supposed to do, immerse you, pause the rest of your bullshit and deeply reinvigorate you.

Paul, I hope you are in a better place now. Here where I am is a better place because of you. I’ll miss seeing what band shirt you’re wearing at the Y.


Photos of Big Trouble


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