I Am Good at This
Many of the things I get paid for are not particularly hard to do. And certainly they are learnable. I am going to guess you could learn much of my job faster than I could learn yours. Especially if your job involves backing up a trailer. I’m fucked. I quit. But, setting that aside. I’m good at this. This is radio, music, blogging, being charming, capturing positive spirits. I do work I’m really proud of. I wanted to have the opportunity to do a bunch more hosting and a bunch more interviews and that is exactly what I’m getting at this job. I probably average 1.5 interviews a week. So we are talking about maybe a hundred interviews in the can. Not all of them total gems, but some really good stuff. I’ve gotten compliments about creating a relaxed environment to talk about art and work. I care about great radio. I believe in working hard at knowing the music you’re playing, learning the stories, making the connections. I believe in self-critique and I believe in trying my ass off. To me, it shows. We do some great stuff. So does Heiruspecs. So does Trivia Mafia. Big Trouble too. I’m proud of all of this. I’m proud of this work. It can be trying, it can be thankless. Most of it pays pretty poorly. But me and my friends have added some excellence into the universe. I’m good at this. I’m not good at backing up a trailer.