Rest in Peace to Mimi Parker and How Sean Got Her Groove Back and I’m Pro Choice

You may have heard the news but the amazing Mimi Parker from Low has passed away. My friend Martin Devaney told me the news this morning at our coffee hang. For about four years Heiruspecs shared a manager with Low and the entire time I felt so absolutely amazing to be sharing any sort of relationship with this band I’ve always admired. As Martin and I both realized, Low is one of the few bands that have been an absolute constant in our musical life. I have always had profound respect for Low, both musically and for how they run their business. And somehow, running their business is exactly the right term to me. They were a critically acclaimed mom + pop show that delivered uncompromising music and experiences for their listeners. They were the band that from note one to the last chord they played, they interrupted and exceeded expectations. I was never close personally to anyone in Low, a couple backstage hellos with Al and even fewer with Mimi, but from a far I felt there was a mutual respect for what my group’s were up to and what they were up to. Obviously in regards to significance, they eclipsed what my bands have been up to, but I felt respected and supported. And like everyone who ever heard them, I knew the key to the recipe was the way Mimi and Al sang together. I have no idea if their harmonic relationship was intuitive, but it sure sounded intuitive by the time it got to me. Mimi spent her life on the road while also raising kids and bringing her amazing energy and sound to people around the world. It is a life well lived and I am honored to have shared some stages with her in my career. Rest in peace to Mim and love to her family.

I’ve been off energy wise for a couple weeks. Stressful times at the day job, stressful times at home. Largely these stresses are temporary, remodels and moves being the primary culprit at work and at home. But your body doesn’t necessarily know that these things are temporary. Your body just knows about the stress. And, though those were the big stressors, I had plenty of small super difficult things that kept on popping up week after week. Somehow, between yesterday and today I got some energy moving in the right direction. I worked so hard on Friday and utilized a tremendously diverse set of skills to manage a bunch of technical breakdowns at the job that I believe I was just exhausted beyond comprehension on Saturday morning. Thankfully, Saturday was a slow and social day with generally positive energy the whole time. I got enough sleep on Saturday night and I was able to get in and exercise today and visit with my friend Martin. This all set me in the right place, I’m in a better place and I can feel it in every second of my existence. I just feel a little more planted. I’m glad for that because the rest of this year is going to be an ass kicker. Heiruspecs is releasing a record, it’s Hannukah, it’s my first time doing holiday music as a music director. There’s going to be a lot coming my way, so I’m really glad to be on a good spot. And I’ve been centered today, not a lot of time wasted thumbing through the internet.

I hope you vote on or before Tuesday. I’m a pro-choice human being and I got the opportunity to use my silky voice for a pro-choice campaign aimed at dad’s.

Vote, and listen to jazz, and get enough sleep.


Pistachio Muffins Who What Where When Can You Have One


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