Year Long Goals

It’s goal setting time at MPR and I just completed my work goals with my supervisor on Friday. I don’t love everything about the process of making goals (who does), but it does have me thinking about setting goals in my personal life as well. So here’s some goals for MCPHERSON.CLUB FY 69!

I’ve hung probably 15 photos total in my life on walls. I’m scared shitless that I will hang them badly. I have some of my basses on wall stands downstairs in the basement, one looks fine, one is falling off and I only put the back up P-Bass on that one cause a) it’s not a great instrument and b) it can 100% sustain a fall. I want hooks on my walls, I want shelves, I want all of that. And it is so intimidating. While I started going over my personal goals it was while our superstar neighbor was helping put up shelves in our house cause Rachel had hit her limit for figuring it out. That’s where I am. We have two stud finders, I still struggle. I watch some youtube videos but I never do it enough times in a row to get that mastery. My solution? Practice a bunch out in the garage cause I need all sorts of hooks out there and I don’t think anyone cares if I put a bunch of marks on the walls in my garage.

Sleep is one of the missing ingredients to my overall health. But I struggle to not “crashturbate” as my friend Cahak describes it. You finish your day and you spend about 1 hour to 1.5 hours thumbing through your phone or your computer checking on things. And it’s not good leisure time. I’m not diving into an exciting article, I’m not watching a great program. I’m reading the first two paragraphs of a bunch of articles and looking at peers who are more successful than me. I’m updating the Star Tribune and mindlessly looking to see if someone has said something to me on twitter. My solution? When I complete the work I do that theoretically generates money (this does include writing trivia, playing bass, writing on bass et cetera) I say goodbye to my computer Cal Newport style. (I enjoy the book Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport).

I used to play basketball every Wednesday in Northeast Minneapolis and I felt a burn, release and camaraderie that I don’t get from other sporting events. I connected with old friends, made a couple new friends and generally just had a bunch of fun running my ass off and getting schooled by better players who were still supportive of my work. Getting to Minneapolis weekly is just not happening on Wednesday nights. Period. It’s too hard to pull off timeline wise. My solution? I’m looking at JCC, Mac-Groveland, The Y and finding something that works for me.

I had the worst fight of my life with my dad over how clean my house except he doesn’t know it because we are adults so about 98% of it was just me talking to myself. The reason it’s a fight in my head is because the little shit other people say gets right under my skin and finds my very deep anguish about this. I grew up in a messy house. I gained a lot of good practices while living with roommates but nothing spectacular. I’ve had oases of clean but the default has been clutter. The hard part is the organization. Cleaning is much more doable. Rachel and I are making progress but it is a very hard thing to add to your identity. I’ve gotten comfortable with my living situation, but of course not all the way comfortable cause I can feel tension rising over this. Happy there’s been progress, there’s a lot more waiting for me. My solution? I do one thing a weekend that leaves a visible impact on some area of the house. Garage, bedroom, sport porch. I’ve been knocking these things out. The house is slowly less of a mess. I keep going and it starts to really be a different place.


New Thoughts


Everyone Back in the Office Day!