How I Start The Day

With my wife going back to work we’ve been polishing off the morning routine and tightening things up. I imagine you’re very curious how Sean McPherson gets the day started so let’s get right to it:

5:20am - turn off first alarm (which is just a bright light)
5:50am - snooze phone alarm
6:02am - get up, brush teeth
6:08am - do a one minute plank, a small routine of sit ups that go in different directions and a stretch your arms/legs while on your back
6:20am - Take Warren (our dog) for a walk
6:50am - Cook breakfast for the family (oatmeal, eggs, jelly toast for kids, butter toast and egg for wife, eggs peppers onion cheese for me)
7:30am - Put on real clothes, dress children.
7:50am - Leave for daycare
8:05am - Drop kids off at daycare
8:30am - get to work (today at MPR), make list of things I need to do, today numbering 15, some small, some big
8:50am - Turn on (this is also made by MPR but I have nothing to do with it)
9:00am - Start doing things off of my list

When people describe the day as 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours for you. . .I think of those people as not having young children. I adore raising kids but it does have such a shape on your day, and in particular your mornings. I find the classical, the list and the coffee can kind of make me feel more connected to work duties.

That’s my morning. Posting this thing was #3 on my list. Gotta get cracking. It’s already 9:38.


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