Saturdays Are In Big Trouble

Round about 2006/2007 I helped put together an instrumental group with my brother Steve and Josh and Peter from Heiruspecs. This lark of a band was built for two reasons: to make music with world class rapper and poet Alexei Casselle and get booked at restaurants and quieter spots to play long sets like my brother and I used to in the Berkshires. Through the past fifteen years the group has become like that warm hoodie that feels better than any garment of clothing in your house. And sort of, you don’t actually care how it looks, you love how it feels. . .but it really does look pretty good. We recently played a birthday party for our good friend and superfan Brenda at the White Squirrel and the vibe was right. I love close by, the room sounds awesome, Trivia Mafia’s office is upstairs in case I need a secure spot for a number 2. It checks all the boxes. So the booking person there, and a dear friend of mine, Laura, agreed to put us down for a couple Saturday gigs this year. WE WANT TO KEEP ON DOING THIS NEXT YEAR TOO. BUT I NEED THE OLD PEOPLE OF THE TWIN CITIES (and by old I mean 32-58) to come out, drink drinks, talk with friends and enjoy music from 6-8pm.

Listen, get your dinner going a little bit late, take in a set of music, have an adult cocktail or a hop water or something else off their awesome cocktail list. Whatever you do just come down and enjoy Big Trouble. We sound great, we are a band where you can dive in and listen to every note, you can also chill out, touch base with your friends and tune in from time to time and guess which pedal Steve is using. We have high energy jams, we have introspective jams. We dive in and deliver the goods, with no pesky singing. What an experience. Roll through and enjoy us. Come on Saturday October 29 from 6-8pm at White Squirrel.

A flyer for Big Trouble. Saturday October 29 and Saturday November 29 - 6-8pm, at White Squirrel.


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