3:33⅓ - Leo Nocentelli - Waterfront

Holy shit did I get thrown right back into work. There’s a network outage at Minneapolis Public Schools so basically nothing works and anything that does is totally a duct taped up affair. MY DEAR LORD. There’s never a good day to lack network connectivity when you gotta work. . .but, during a snowstorm, with your kids school already cancelled, just back from Florida. It’s kicking my ass. But guess what I’m doing? I’m getting through it and why am I getting through it. Cause I am. That’s why. Threw on some Leo Nocentelli, we got so much big New Orleans energy yesterday for Fat Tuesday I thought I’d show the gentler side of New Orleans. So I grabbed this record, which I love so much. I hope you enjoyed it too!


3:33⅓ - Erykah Badu - Window Seat


3:33⅓ - MMYYKK - Cold Hustle